
The sighted

alighiero boetti

Card with autograph signature and engraving.


Card signed in full at center ALIGHIERO BOETTI (blue ink).

Blind stamp at center (coat of arms). Dot engraving BRAILE : I VEDENTI.

Ink stamp lower right : IL MINOTAURO ?

Boetti was fascinated by the fact that blind people referred to non-blind people as "the visienti," and he adapted the term for his own purposes, incorporating it into several works through various mediums. The artist originally used his finger to write the phrase in the holes of a wet plaster slab (exhibited 2012 at the Estate of Alighiero Boetti/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/SIAE). A play on the dot patterns of Braille, the work creates and complicates the conditions of tactility, visibility, and legibility. Boetti believed that artists were privileged, visionary figures with the gift of deeper insight and a mystical understanding of the world and its potential, and he expanded the meaning of "the seers" to refer to them. He hoped that viewers, reflecting on the phrase, would be tempted to achieve that visionary status. Here Boetti created a perforating seal that he used to sign prints and drawings.

PROVENANCE : Private collection La Spezia - Italy.

Work in good condition.

The work is accompanied by a certificate of provenance from the historic Galleria d'Arte Risorgimento in Legnago VERONA . The A. Boetti archive in Rome does not issue expertise or filings for works of this kind.